Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I'm going to Ireland!

Yes, Ireland- a land of fun and adventure, where all the vegetables come pre-wrapped in bacon and where it's ok to have a Guinness at every meal, because hey, you can always find a new liver (especially if you connect with the small sector of Irish Jews. Of course, the liver will probably be from a chicken and chopped with boiled egg and onions, but trust me, you're gonna want a little nosh after drinking all that beer.) A land where no one will be suspicious of you if you yell "going to have some crack tonight!" in public and where you're likely to see a midget punching a tourist below the waist because said visitor called him a "leprechaun" (I'll take seeing that over a pot of gold any day.)

It's a land of stories, some real, some exaggerated, but all incredible. And folks, I plan on coming home with enough tales to fill a small U-haul.

"But Steph, you can't take a U-haul to Ireland! I'm pretty sure if you did, you'd get charged for two pieces of baggage, and you don't really want to spend a ton of money on things besides beer and fries, do you?"

Of course not, do you think I'm dumb? I know those bag rates are ridiculous. That's why I'm keeping this *FREE* elec-a-tronic blog! You curious readers can see my zany Ireland antics, I can have a way to remember all the amazing things I'm going to do, and neither of us have to give up our booze money! It's genius!

I don't leave for a couple of weeks, so tune in later for the crazy adventures!